Two Simple Facts for Happiness
Many of us go about life striving for a sense of happiness. It makes sense. Once our basic needs of survival are met, food, shelter, good health, financial resources…then there is more space in life to ponder what happiness means to you. I believe happiness is subjective and I no longer strive for happiness. I prefer to focus on experiencing joy in the present moment. That in itself can be a struggle sometimes and it actually takes work. I remember being asked by loved ones why do you feel like you always have to work to be happy? I don’t know, but I do. It doesn’t always come naturally to me. I have to be intentional. That intention does produce dividends. I know my daily gratitude and self-love practices help me so much.
I really wanted to focus on embodying forgiveness this year. I was really suffering with toxic relationships in my life and since I can’t really escape it, I decided forgiveness was my only way towards freedom and peace. So I came across Marianne Williamson teaching the Course in Miracles and decided to join her year-long program just to see if it could help me with my quest for forgiveness. My mom wanted to join in so we are being exposed to a new way of looking at life. Sometimes the teachings are a little far out and a bit of a stretch, but I can say it’s eye-opening and as with everything, you take in what resonates. I can say I do feel a lot better and I’m slowly seeing positive fruits to the work I am putting in.
This concept of happiness really stood out to me because I believe it to be completely true. It was an ah-ha moment, because it’s just so simple.
Two Simple Facts for Happiness:
Giving and Receiving Love
2. Living in Creative Flow
Nothing more. Nothing less.
When you are giving or receiving love, you feel a sense of warmth and joy around you. Whether it’s connecting with humans, pets, nature or even doing a good deed…love invites happiness. When we are in conflict, if we have been abused in any way, when we are infuriated and therefore hold grudges...none of it helps with our peace of mind and happiness quotient. Guess what? Holding onto the anger will literally get you nowhere. It’s important to give yourself the time to forgive and let it go. When I suggested to a client that was important to start practicing forgiveness, she told me she felt like that was too much work. Why should she have to do that? Why? It’s your choice. You can stuff your feelings down and keep it moving. Fine. Understandable sometimes, but in the long run, not sure how beneficial that is to you. You can give yourself the gift of time to practice forgiveness. I do believe you will feel lighter and happier in the end.
Live in flow as best you can.
Remember those times in life when you felt in complete flow? You were probably in your ultimate creative element, exuding your unique self and talents to the world. Didn’t you feel amazing? Sometimes as we age, that creative flow can evade us if we are not careful. I happen to share my life with a visionary artist, so it’s so interesting to see how some people have never ending ideas of creativity. He has to listen to himself to know the exact right time for the creative flow to spark that fire, but I can see that creative flow is always in the orbit. That is not me, but I do admire it. Even if you can’t remember when you were last in creative flow, now is the perfect time to think about it. What do you love that inspires your creative flow? Food for thought. Ponder it and then take a little action.
I have witnessed my coaching clients birth new ideas and bring their creative spirits to fruition. From new businesses to becoming authors and bringing their books to the world, to creative projects, to moving to new cities, to landing new positions in their career that they love. It’s so fun to see all these exciting new dreams come to fruition. May this be inspiration to deeply connect to your own creative flow.
If you would like some support on your path and are intrigued with the power of coaching, feel free to schedule a Clarity Call with me.