From the Ego to the Heart...Where Miracles Unfold
How can we push our ego aside and live from the heart? This is a hard one. We can get mad at people or situations. We can hate our environment or even strongly dislike the people we have to deal with regularly. We can complain and judge for days. But is that really working for us in the end? We can unconsciously act selfish to benefit us, yet hurt others in the process and not even be aware of it. Are we content with living in these scenarios and can we thrive, dealing with all this drama? No!!!! At some point we have to look in the mirror, accept responsibility for our part of the challenges we are experiencing and commit to make some changes. It’s quite simple actually. It takes a decision. Are you ready to switch things up?
My client Angela can not stand her working environment. She can’t relate to the people, the gossip, the competition, but she wants to succeed at what she’s doing. We cannot change anyone but ourselves, so to feel better, it’s best to reframe your thought process. Once Angela was able to see her colleagues from a different perspective, once she was mindful of her negative language and thoughts, once she redirected her attention to focus on gratitude, it’s amazing how things changed. I got a text from her the next day with newfound awareness. Angela had an epiphany. She really is living a fabulous life! I heard about all the fun things she’s been doing and interesting people she is meeting. Life isn’t so bad after all. In fact, it’s a beautiful blessing.
Photo by Alli Remler…Love Bleeding Hearts…reminds me of happy childhood memories
When it comes to love, it’s important to put our ego in check for the better of our relationships. My coaching client Dana prayed for years to call in the love of her life. She put intention towards her personal growth work and BOOM! She met a great man who adores her and they have a good thing going. But sometimes, she had extra high, unrealistic expectations of her partner. When he eventually pushed back, she then realized she was being a bit selfish. The ego wants what it wants and sometimes we forget to pause and think of the other person. Thankfully, Dana is embracing self-awareness and is open to shift and do what it takes to change her perspective and actions to order to strengthen her relationship. When we take others for granted, it can be a recipe for disaster and one can be blindsided when the sh*t hits the fan. Slow down and give yourself the gift of self-care to observe, heal and grow in order to show up in your relationship as the best version of yourself. No need to pretend for the false image of perfection. Just be authentic, listen deeply and be open to compromise.
I’ve learned in my own life, it’s best to manage my ego and put it aside in order to strengthen my ability to practice forgiveness. The ego will tell me, “But they don’t deserve it. They really did do this or that.” The truth is, it doesn’t matter what went down. If I don’t forgive, I’m only punishing myself. The other person is chillin’, living their life, not giving a crap about me, so why am I ruining my happiness quotient dwelling on the past? Well, I have been quietly working on my forgiveness practice for quite some time, and as they say, miracles happen when we let go of grievances and anger. Three miracles have happened within a span of a few days…a harmonious family gathering, financial family blessing and a huge opportunity for my daughter’s academic elevation. I’ll take it! Proof that embracing a spiritual practice to heal, grow and shift our mindsets, does bear beautiful fruit.
Have faith and miracles can unfold.
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