Authenticity NOT Perfection
As a ‘recovering perfectionist’ I know first hand the challenges of hesitating to take chances…to put yourself out there…to create and share those unique gifts with the world. Can you relate?
I’ve learned that what matters more than getting things perfect, is being authentic…and sometimes that is hard too. I started writing these newsletters years ago and I will never forget one friend, who I deeply respect on a friendship and creative level, told me she needed more from my writing. It wasn’t authentic enough. In other words…I was being too surface level. Yeah, I got that and she was right. I didn’t really want to share the total authenticity, because it’s hard. Sometimes the truth hurts you and others in your life. Over the years, I’ve tried to get better and it’s a work in progress.
Speaking of authenticity, I’m definitely feel the low energy of the winter months and I’m kinda over the isolation of this pandemic. I’m seeing more and more the importance of real-life connection and community. Zoom is an essential gift for us during these times, but seeing people in person is even better. I have some exciting events coming up that I will be sharing with you soon, so that will liven things up for me.
So how can you walk in the world with more authenticity?
Three Keys for Authentic Living
1) Get Real.
It starts with getting real with yourself. Denial will get you nowhere fast.
One of my most authentic moments of joy…in the water. Swimming is a passion. Photo by Veronica Ramirez in Colombia at the Tropical Transformation Wellness Retreat.
I know people that will lie to others acting like they don’t know what they are doing wrong and how it effects others. I wonder….do they actually believe the lies they say or are they in so much self-denial that they chose to ignore reality? We will never know such things because people tell us and show us what they want to…but what I do know is that we can’t let shame stunt our growth and our happiness. Shame can lead us to want to hide in so many areas of life. When we peel away these layers for ourselves, there is a lightness that you feel. It reminds me of forgiveness. When you finally get to a place of forgiveness, there is an incredible peace of mind that comes over you. It’s freeing. It takes work and yet it’s worth doing the inner work.
2. Acknowledge fear and push through.
Another way to live with more authenticity is to recognize our fear and work to accept it and then push through. Fear holds us back in every possible way in this thing called life. What are you afraid of?
My client Maria* was in a crossroads in her long-term, cohabitation relationship. It was a “should I stay or should I go” situation. (I’m thinking of The Clash song at this moment.) But seriously…she’s either going to get married or walk away and if there is confusion after all that time, then something needs to change. It took some time a deep personal work and incredible strength, but she decided to temporarily move out to go solo and give herself some space. So far, it’s been amazing on many levels and I’m so proud of her for making the extremely important decision for herself… put herself and her needs first. She giving herself the gift of time to think about what she wants her future to look like while simultaneously living with a sense of newfound personal freedom. I’m proud of her strength. It’s not easy. It’s so important to make moves to benefit your life…even if it’s hard. You only live once!
3. Be mindful of your energy.
How? Take care of your mental health. Create morning rituals that get you centered…such as writing, meditation, movement, prayer. I know for a fact, when we start our morning off right, our energy feels so much better throughout the day. When I skip my morning rituals, my mood is a hot mess. Ask my husband! 😃 There are lots of things we can do to clear energy…crystals, essential oil diffusers, sage and more. I was listening to an interview from this incredible healer Alla Svirinskaya. Check out her book Own Your Energy for all kinds of insightful ways to manage your energy.
May these insights support you on your own path towards living life with true authenticity. Join me for my Free Masterclass “Empower Yourself • Transform Your Life” where I share how to turn self doubt into confidence and stress into solutions. Sign up at
*Client name changed to protect privacy.