Five Insights from Tropical Paradise
We had a lovely experience in tropical paradise during our Tropical Transformation Wellness Retreat, despite still living within a pandemic. Forever grateful for my co-host Rashia Bell, for the beautiful women that joined us, the nature hotel Playa Koralia, the gifted healer Munay and our lovely brand sponsors.
Each time I co-host these retreats, I learn so much and also truly enjoy connecting with incredible women that are open to personal transformation and healing. When one of our retreat guests, Linda, stated that she felt this was a “soul cleansing” experience and others agreed, I was thrilled! One of my main intentions for all the work I do is to be effective and offer a level of excellence. Mission accomplished if the girls felt our retreat was “soul cleansing.”
Go with the Flow.
Buddha @ Playa Koralia under the mango trees.
Not everything goes exactly as planned…therefore we must roll and go with it. Living on island time does have its benefits…and going with the flow is one of them. Sometimes we had to shift a scheduled activity. Things come up. It’s a reminder that back at home in the real world, it’s ok to course correct. Listen to your intuition and act accordingly. Everything is happening for a reason, so pay attention. What are doing to connect more deeply to your intuition today? Meditation is ideal for this.
2. The feminine connection is powerful.
I missed being in community with other humans, outside of family, during this pandemic. This sense of freedom many of us feel at the moment is uplifting and encouraging. Yes, we are not out of the woods, but nonetheless, I feel lighter about everything. On the retreat, just being able to exist within a circle of women, to feel inspired and hear everyone’s stories…there was a sense of empowerment among us. I see the same thing with my new group program Ignite Your Radiance • Ignite Your Power. We all can learn so much from one another and it’s powerful to realize we are not alone in our struggles. Having support from inspiring women invites us to be challenged, to elevate and grow.
A few girls in Colombia @ The Tropical Transformation Wellness Retreat
3. Cacao Ceremonies are cool.
I’ve heard about them, but have never attended a cacao ceremony. Munay, our resident healer for this retreat, (center in photo) presided over a beach-front life-changing cacao ceremony in which we were invited to deepen our connection to our intuitive spirits with cacao, music, dance, sound healing, and connection. I’m inspired to create my own local cacao ceremonies because if you can’t go on a retreat, you should be able to still reap the benefits. Food for thought.
4. Rest Alone is Healing.
In one of the first retreat workshops I hosted, when asked how everyone was feeling in the present moment, one of the women said….“guarded.” I noticed this when she was not writing when prompted and didn’t feel like sharing too much in our circle. She decided rather than attend every workshop or excursion, resting on the beach was just what the doctor ordered. Of course, as a retreat producer, we want all our guests to get the most out the experience we curate for them, so when I asked about this, she shared that giving her body and mind the time to rest and do nothing, was really the healing she needed. I’m not sure why this was such an a-ha moment for me, since people go to lounge on the beach for rest all the time. (I’m just not one of those people.) Despite how much work and love we put into creating these beautiful retreat experiences, sometimes, the act of resting and slowing down is the healing modality in and of itself!
How are you resting this summer? For me, I took time off of working for what felt like 24/7 for months. This is my act of rest. I’m also “getting off the treadmill,” which was a message I received loud and clear.
5. Being at One With Nature is Food For The Soul.
Photography by Vero @vdfoto_
Nature heals. Period. Just spending time with trees, flower, plants, water, the sun…it all works wonders for our mind, body, soul and mood!!! Get out there, every chance you get. In an article from the American Psychological Association, “Nurture by Nature”… “There is mounting evidence, from dozens and dozens of researchers, that nature has benefits for both physical and psychological human wellbeing,” says Lisa Nisbet, PhD, a psychologist at Trent University in Ontario, Canada, who studies connectedness to nature. “You can boost your mood just by walking in nature, even in urban nature. And the sense of connection you have with the natural world seems to contribute to happiness even when you’re not physically immersed in nature.”
Go hug a tree, take a dip in the ocean or lake, walk down the block and notice the sky, listen for the birds, enjoy a garden…….whatever…just enjoy the great outdoors for a better peace of mind.
If you would like to be on our waiting list for our next retreat, kindly email me at to let me know.
I wanted to give a special shout out to our wellness brand sponsors who contributed to our fabulous retreat gift bag for our guests. Do check out and support these incredible small businesses…
Chakra Crystal set and Selenite stick from @thecristalline
Candle from @bodewellliving
Wellness Herbs from AlcHERmy @alchermyglo
Lip Gloss from Sam & Maddy Makeup by @jencaylegaum
Crystal Infused Sleep Mask from @re.vityl
CBD Drink mix from @realizehempdrinks
Journal from Motto gifted by me @hope.mcgrath