Three Keys to Kick Resistance To The Curb
Do you have things you want to achieve, changes you desire to make, yet you consistently get in your own way? Resistance to good things, to things you know you want to make happen is a real phenomenon. When you dream of change but resistance keeps you in slow motion…it may be time to look at self-sabotage right in the face. Some may squeeze a little procrastination in there and you are seriously stuck. Living in a state of unsatisfactory status quo is no fun.
So whatcha gonna do?
Resistance shows up in all aspects of life…from personal to professional. It’s important to catch resistance when it creeps up. One client Kara was in a long-term relationship that has run it’s course. There were so many signs it was time for a change, but combined with difficult emotions, there was a clear resistance to imagine life without her partner, to be living life solo, to take back control of her life. She wanted it, but resistance mixed with lack of clarity, heartache and other baggage kept the roller coaster relationship going for a long time. Eventually the final break up took place but it was a long and uneasy road to get a sense of personal fulfillment and freedom. She did it though! Super proud because it was hard but she found the strength and courage to take care of her best interest.
Even for me, I have resisted setting clear boundaries with family in order to prevent retaliation and keep my close relationships in tact. Sometimes you get to a point where peace of mind overrides fear and now the boundaries are set in stone. It’s painful but radical acceptance can bring about peace. It’s a process.
What about work and creative pursuits?
Photo Credit: @Jessicaar1175 via Pinterest
Do you have creative projects, dream businesses, a new book, new music or work of art you want to create, but it’s crickets in terms of actual forward momentum? I empathize. We can talk ourselves out of just about anything. We can sabotage the most amazing opportunities and block ourselves from success in a split second. It takes way more effort to sit down and create what we want to create for ourselves. I remember I had the idea for my Radiant Mix podcast project five years before I actually created a platform for my articles and launched a podcast to celebrate the mixed experience. There was so much fear around starting….so I would start and stop for way too long. Fear of talking about race and sharing my personal stories for public consumption, plus plenty of naysayers didn’t help any. Eventually I pushed through and did it anyway. I’d love to inspire you in this moment to start or continue on the path you may have already started to create…..and don’t give up.
But how?
Three Keys to Kick Resistance To The Curb
1. Set Goals. You have to know what you want in order for you to go for it. Do whatever it takes to get clear. Meditation and writing works wonders.
2. Productivity Rules: Time Management is king. Try these three things:
a) Calendar Blocking: Block clear times in your calendar to work on one particular project. Focus only on this task and turn off all notifications. It helps to plan the night before.
b) Watch the Clock: Set the Timer on your phone for 30 or 60 minutes. Turn off all distractions. Embrace a singular focus with your project and just do it. When the alarm goes off, enjoy your break. Rinse and repeat if you need support focusing on an important project.
c) Prioritize. : Pick the top three most important tasks to do for one day and let the rest of your to-do list sit there until the priorities are taken care of.
3. Overcome overwhelm. Resistance is often connected to overwhelm. This one self-love practice works wonders.
Each evening write down five things you accomplished for the day. It can be a small task or a big deal. Whatever you feel proud that you accomplished, write it down.
May you push through your resistance to achieve your goals and dreams! Do share if these tips work for you.