The Desire Practice
“The Desire Practice” is a fantastic exercise when there is a lack of clarity and you really want to have a clearer vision of what you actually desire in life. Because sometimes, we don’t even know what we want!!!!
If you give yourself a moment of reflection to think about such things, it really can be the basis for some magical manifestations to unfold in your life. You will feel so much better when the skies part and you can see clearly what you envision for your life.
“The Desire Practice” is inspired by Danielle LaPorte and her book “The Desire Map.” This is just a short cut to a larger deep dive the author offers.
The Desire Practice
Think about the various aspects of your life…
• Finances, work, travel, home, space, style
• Healing, fitness, food, rest & relaxation, movement, sensuality
• Artistic and self-expression, education, hobbies
• Romance, friends, family, work colleagues, community
• Inner self, faith, intuition, healing practices
a) Take each category and think about what you desire. Ask yourself…WHAT DO I DESIRE? WRITE IT ALL DOWN. Free flow.
b) Create an affirmation (in the present tense) stating what you really desire but write is as if you already have it.
An example: - using “I AM” Statements:
- I am so grateful for my ….
- I am …..
Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash
The key is to make your affirmations powerful and meaningful to you. Every day you are to state your affirmations out loud or write them down where you can see them everyday. I keep a list of affirmation in the “Notes” section on my phone, or make a audio recording of them and listen to your voice stating your desires. Whatever works for you. Keep in mind you can state your affirmations and then surrender and be open to receive. You can only control but so much. Combine positive intention with ACTION and see what unfolds for you. This is true CO-CREATION with the Universe.
Consider designing a vision board to compliment The Desire Practice.
I would honestly love to hear what comes up for you, so write me to share your desires, ask question about fine tuning your affirmations at